Featured painting: In The Beginning, I

Original watercolor by Cathy Ledeker
(pelican skull & egg)
In The Beginning, I, is my contribution to this year's Lawrence Arts Center Benefit Auction. It is watercolor on Fabriano paper with framed dimensions 34 1/4 x 14 1/4.
Basically, I just fell in love with this beautiful pelican skull, borrowed from a friend’s collection. I researched the relative proportions and appearance of the egg and drew the composition life-size and impossibly balanced, then painted sparely and carefully using a handheld magnifying glass. What are the chances of evolution sculpting an animal so specifically adapted? Although this happens constantly, it remains a miracle. And, of course, there is the age-old question, “Which Came First?”
Prints available at BONEYARD Studio & Gallery or order online

At The Studios at Bristol (719) 658-0121
39542 HWY 149 (mile marker 39.5, between Creede and Lake City) - Creede, CO 81130
Open June thru September
Summer Hours: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday